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Student Testimonials

Blood Cell Models and Lesson Plans

  • The petriscopes are perfect tools that anyone can touch and move around, allowing them to see leukemia in three dimensions and diagnose specific disorders.


  • This is a revolutionary approach to teaching about blood diseases and various types of Leukemia.  Overall, the entire model and set-up are flawless.


  • Visualizing an abstract concept like blood cell diseases was not only difficult, but also frustrating.  After being exposed to the blood cell visual model, the frustration that I had initially felt was replaced with a sense of empowerment and confidence.


  •  Perfecto! Very nice & creative. Comments to improve: no improvements.


“A revolutionary approach to teaching students about blood diseases and various types of Leukemia.”


Think Inside the Box

  • I thought it was really helpful understanding all the different layers of skin

  • This is a wonderful project that helped us memorize each layer

  • Our group thought the project was great. Overall, I would rate a 10/10 experience

  • Building the box model helped me remember the skin layers in the human integumentary system it is more stuck in my head now.

  • It allowed me to have fun while also learning the many different layers of skin

  • I thought the skin model was very helpful because you get a visual of what it looks like firsthand

Students working with the Blood Cell Model lesson plan
Students working with the Blood Cell Model lesson plan
Students working with the human skin lesson plan and model kit

MALA Scientific

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